
Erectile Dysfunction Ayurvedic Treatment, Medicine

Erectile Dysfunction is a type of Sexual Disorder Characterized by inability of Male to Maintain or withhold the erection during sexual intercourse.
This problem affecting almost 80% of male population and many men above the age of 35 suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Erection is a complex process that involves the brain,Hormones, Muscles, Blood Vessels and proper mental health.This probem leads to failure in erection during Sexual Activities.
erectile dysfunction ayurvedic treatment

In 70-80% Cases ED is generally a cause of some physical, Physiological Factors. Physical factors Generally include some disease Like Trauma, Heart Disease,

Hypercholesterolemia, Low testosterone Levels, Spinal injury, Diabetes,Obesity, Excessive use of Alcohal, Etc.

But in Physiological Causes Mostly involves Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Relationship problems.

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