Hair plays very important role in the life of humans. Issues like hair fall, baldness are very scary. They gave stress and anxiety in most of the human beings as everyone wants good and healthy hair. Many diseases like dandruff, hair fall, thinning of hair, greying of hair are growing these days. People are using chemical based hair creams, jells, shampoos which are instead of benefiting the hair are damaging them.People want healthy shinning hair which makes them look good and also gave confidence to them. Markets are these days have filled with many kind of hair oil with lots of promises being made about them but have no permanent solution.
40 Days Hair Fall Stop Oil.
At yogis Ayurveda we have come with formulation in oil form called 40 days hair fall stop oil. This oil is prepared with natural herbs which naturally take care of hair and get rid of hair problems like hair fall, dandruff, greying of hair etc.
According to Ayurveda, issues related to hair are mentioned as khalitya, palitya and indralupta. In each of them there is involvement of pitta andvatadosha. Herbs with which this oil prepared helps in pacifying these doshas and helps in growth of healthy hair. It also helps in blackening the grey hair and also make root of hair strong. Herbs with which the oil is prepared are keshya in nature which strengthens the hair, removes dandruff and also improves blood circulation in the scalp so that hair can get proper nourishment. This oil also very help in getting proper healthy sleep.
Ingredients of 40 Days Hair Fall Oil
- Jatamansi: It is a very popular herb with scientific name nardostachy’sjatamansi. jatamansi is medhya in nature and maintains the neuro health. It also has properties of antifungal and anti-bacterial so also helps in controlling the dandruff. It also act as a heart tonic and has properties of antidepressant and anti-anxiety.
- Madayanti: This herb is very effective in hair growth and giving natural color to hair. Its scientific name is lowsoniainermis. Popularly known as Heena. It has kapha pitta hara properties and also kandughana(reduces itching) in nature.
- Brahmi: Brahmi is one of the most admired herb in the Ayurveda. It has a cooling effect and also enhance memory and boost neuro functions.
- Manjistha: Manjistha is very good blood purifier herb and enhance the immunity. Its scientific name is Rubiacordifolia. It also removes the toxins from the body and balance the pitta doshas. It is very effective in skin issues like eczema, dandruff, dermatitis. it also act as Javarhara (antipypretic). It increase skin complexion.
- Bhringraj: Bhringraj is known for its Keshyaguna which means that it has a properties which enhance the health of hair. Its scientific name is eclipta alba and also called as false daisy.This herb balance the tridosha . in Ayurveda it is known for hair care and for the treatment of cirrhosis. Incharaksamhinta it is told to be Raktapittahara and kesya.
At yogis Ayurveda we take full care and keeps check to prepare world class products. These products are prepared with authentic ayurvedic herbs.